About Us
Have you ever heard about a book from your favourite African author and wanted to read it immediately but found it hard to track down or gain access to? Have you ever wondered why it is so easy to get digital copies of your favorite ‘western’ books but not so easy to get digital versions of African ones? The reason is not that African Authors are against offering their books online. Truth is, most have tried to get their eBooks online for years but failed due to the strict restrictions imposed by the world’s most popular online publishers. Others have shied away from digital publishing due to weak copyright enforcement laws throughout the African region, fearing their works would be unlawfully reproduced.
As a result, most of the world has very limited access to quality African reading content, and most African authors feel silenced and frustrated because their content is being restricted to their own limited physical distribution channels and localities. This not only limits the sharing of wisdom and knowledge globally but also restricts the content that African based readers are able to access and consume. While such gaps and inequalities still exist at the moment, the advancement in technology now offers digital solutions that can bridge these gaps and level the playing field for African authors and readers alike.

About AfricanBooks.com
Are you an African author of a book? Did you know that eBooks are a billion-dollar industry? Rather than spending thousands on printing and shipping costs to sell your paperback books, AfricanBooks.com offers you a free way to sell and earn royalties by selling digital eversions of those very same books. Simply create an account, upload your book, set the price and start selling! Our readers are located around the globe, ensuring that your book can be sold both near and far. So, if you have ever dreamt of earning money simply by writing books, AfricanBooks.com is the place for you!
Why AfricanBooks.com
Have you ever tried to sell your book online? If so, you may have already realized that most of the major online book retailers do not allow payments to African-Based bank accounts. This means that while you may be able to get your book online, getting the royalties you rightfully earned from that book is a bit tricky. Often times, African authors have to depend on third-party agents to process their payments. Such situations result in earnings that are less than deserved and not even close to enough for you to actually make a living off of your trade. AfricanBooks.com has found a solution though. Utilizing African-based payment options, we can ensure that African authors will get the royalty they expect from each book sold; paid directly to your African-based bank account or even your mobile money wallet, no matter where the person buying your book is located.
While our platform is for everyone, we designed our bookstore, publishing platform and reading app specifically with Africans in mind. This is what makes us unique and more user friendly to the African community than other major e-book platforms on the market today. We offer:
- • Book pricing that is friendly and consistent with current African market rates
- • Multi-currency, African payment options for African-based readers
- • Royalty Earnings accessible to African-based bank accounts & mobile money platforms.
- • Books specifically authored by African writers
- • An emphasis on wholesome, uplifting and transformative Christian content
- • Books in languages that are used majorly among African communities
- • Strict piracy safeguards to keep author content safe and secure